Clay Workshop in San Miguel de Allende! January 2025

Old Dog/New Tricks: throw, extrude, handbuild

Looking for an affordable ceramics workshop that will fill you with new ideas, new ways to work in clay, and in- crease your skills in throwing and handbuilding?

Come to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in January 19–24, 2025! Join Richard Burkett for a fun hands-on five-day clay workshop! We’ll work with functional forms that combine hand built, wheel thrown, and extruded forms with evocative textures, creative lids and new handle ideas. Handbuilders and throwers are both welcome. Learn how to make your own unique clay extruder dies and use them creative- ly. How to quickly make hollow forms from textured slabs. How to alter wet clay forms right on the wheel. And we’ll take a field trip to see local ceramics, majolica, and tile making in the area, too. You’ll return home excited to have learned so many new ideas for your own ceramics.

Paloma Clay Studios is a fully equipped ceramics studio, spacious and full of light. You’ll have time outside the workshop hours to take advan- tage of all that historic San Miguel de Allende, one of Mexico’s truly magical cities, has to offer. San Miguel de Allende is a beautiful city filled with music, festivals, world-class restaurants, art, and charmingarchitecture going back more than 500 years. As a truly international city, both Spanish and English are the primary languages. The climate is similar to southern California, and the city is very walkable and friendly.

Visit Paloma Clay Studios’ website to register for the workshop. Register soon as the workshop is filling up.

And to for info on the workshop cost and housing in San Miguel de Allende


San Diego Pottery Tour - Dec. 7 & 8, 2024